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Physical Examination
1. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Adult
10. Cardiovascular System
2. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Infant
11. Peripheral Vascular System
3. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Child
12. Breasts and Axillae
4. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Older Adult
13. Abdomen
5. General Survey and Vital Signs
14. Male Genitalia, Rectum, Anus, and Prostate
6. Skin
15. Female Genitalia, Anus, and Rectum
7. Head, Eyes, and Ears
16. Musculoskeletal System
8. Nose, Mouth, and Neck
17. Nervous System: Cranial Nerves and Motor System
9. Thorax and Lungs
18. Nervous System: Sensory System and Reflexes
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
OSCE Clinical Skills
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OSCE Clinical Skills
OSCE 1: Chest Pain
A 50-year-old school counselor presents with a complaint of sharp chest pains over the prior 2 weeks.
OSCE 2: Abdominal Pain
A 64-year-old stockbroker presents with pain in the upper part of the abdomen, which has spread to the back.
OSCE 3: Sore Throat
A 17-year-old high school student presents with a complaint of a sore throat, aches, and fatigue.
OSCE 4: Knee Pain
A 45-year-old teacher presents with pain in the left knee, which makes it difficult to walk.
OSCE 5: Cough
A 45-year-old dispute mediator presents with a complaint of a cough that has lasted for over 1 week.
OSCE 6: Vomiting
A 10-year-old child presents with a complaint of vomiting for the past day.
OSCE 7: Amenorrhea
A 19-year-old female student presents with a complaint of missing her last three periods.
OSCE 8: Falls
A 70-year-old retired carpenter presents with a recent history of falling.
OSCE 9: Back Pain
A 50-year-old printing company supervisor presents with a 3-day history of acute non-radiating low back pain.
OSCE 10: Shortness of Breath
A 48-year-old married office manager presents with a complaint of shortness of breath.
OSCE 11: Shoulder Pain
A 52-year-old housepainter presents with a complaint of shoulder pain.
OSCE 12: Child and Adolescent Asthma
A 14-year-old boy presents with a complaint of difficulty breathing.
OSCE 13: Headache
A 21-year-old male college student presents with a complaint of headache.
OSCE 14: Child and Adolescent Obesity
A 12-year-old adolescent presents with a complaint of weight gain.
OSCE 15: Memory Loss
A 70-year-old woman presents with a complaint of memory loss.